Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Stitches

A few weeks ago my Zekester had an "episode". We are still not sure what his "episodes" really are. The vet says that Zeke is possibly borderline epileptic and when he bumps his head he has a seizure. Well, we've had two instances where this has happened. The first was in the middle of the night. I was at my parents and Steve was out of town. Zeke jumped up in the middle of the night, ran straight into the heater tower and then a chair and then started seizing. A few weeks ago he did it again, except I was sleeping I just heard him running around and then Steve yelled for me, he was laying at the bottom of the stairs bleeding. It scared us! Four-hundred dollars later he is well. I have no idea what happened. Of course, the 6.5 years of experienced marriage allowed Steve and I to disagree :). With all of our Internet medical training Steve and I have differing opinions in what happened. Steve thinks that he hit his head and then seized, I think that he knows when he's about to seize and he flips out and starts running until it happens. (In which he fell down the stairs). Needless to say, Zeke doesn't seem to care. He goes on living life without a care in the world. Gotta love the life of a dog.
So Zeke is "in stitches". Don't you love cliches? "In stitches" means several things. It can mean "to fasten or join as if with stitches" or it can mean "laughing uncontrollably". Which do you think is Zeke? I really believe if he could "LAUGH OUT LOUD" the dog would. If he could "skip" he'd do it all the time. He practically bounces when he walks. Even when carrying that package of Ritz crackers I left on the table.
Lately my friend Lori has been sending me scriptures to encourage me through my day. It has me "in stitches". It is true that God's Word can really sooth the soul. It can take my wounds and ever so carefully stitch them up to help them heal. It is like medicine that heals. God's Word is truly powerful and everlasting. It is good that His promises cannot fail us and though sometimes one verse speaks to us more than another, if we search long and hard enough God will give His answer. I'm so glad for the stitches of the Word of God to help heal my hurting heart. I am also thankful for the friend who helps administer the stitches. :)
I am grateful to God for the laughing and the love that life can bring. Thankful for the labs that keep me laughing uncontrollably and for the friends that help heal the wounded, hurting heart when needed. Thankful for all the "stitches".

1 comment:

Girls hunt too said...

I am touched by your words Debbie...I am so glad we're friends and so thankful that God allowed our paths to cross! You're a blessing to me! (BTW, I love the cliche!)