Monday, February 28, 2011

Presence- Sometimes It's All We Need!

Do you think it is possible to "feel Jesus"?  I would first like to say that I don't base my faith nor my salvation on how I "feel"....I base it on what God's Word says, but still, I wonder if I can feel Jesus. 

I am one who likes to keep my emotions inside and contained.  So often, many people don't want to be "emotional" in church because emotion is not to be mistaken for the Holy Spirit, but I do believe God uses our emotions at times to speak to us.

There are days that are so hard, that the emotions build, and for a moment I can sense God speaking to me and nudging and reminding me what is important.  A sense of calm will rush over me.  It's like I can "feel Jesus".  Have you ever had this experience?

As i type this, all cramped up with my computer way up on my chest in the bed, because Zeke is laying half in my lap...I think of the comfort of the presence of God and knowing his presence.  Yesterday it STORMED.  Naomi was beside herself....but it seemed that no matter where she went she made sure that either I or Steve was present.  Right now Zeke is laying on top of me.  Our presence comforts our dogs.

I know this blog post is not necessarily politically correct or at least on this blog post proven with Scripture....but for me it is real.  I don't know what God does in those moments where I really feel like a weight has been taken from my shoulders, or where I feel a sense of calm rush over me, or when I feel like sunshine is hitting me but its not.  Really, it is through those experiences where I feel God is speaking to me and God is taking care of me...and God is reminding me that "HE IS".....everything I need. 


1 comment:

Jess said...

I had a chocolate lab for year when I was younger. It was my favorite dog ever. Yours are beautiful! Makes me want a dog again. :)